Monday, December 12, 2011

The Course of Change

For the past 5 months I've been working towards becoming more self-sufficient in the area of employment. For 17 years I've worked as a nurse. My life has had to revolve around my job. I cannot begin to tell you how many birthdays, holidays, school functions and friendly gatherings I have missed over the years. I felt like my entire life was slipping away from me.

Five months ago I began apprenticing in my mother's dog grooming shop in a first step to becoming self employed.  It has been a very long five months, grooming during the week, and working weekend doubles in a nursing home on weekends.  Sixteen hour days were really taking their toll on me. I was miserable, exhausted, and extremely unhappy in the position I was in.  So today, I took the next step.

I resigned from the weekend job.

It's a little scary, taking that step, but thankfully I'm now in a position to be able to spend some time focused solely on the job at hand, which is getting my garage converted into a grooming salon, and focusing on grooming. At least for a couple months.

So now is a time to become extra frugal.  I'll be looking for more ways beyond what I'm already doing to be self sufficient.  Every decision I make will be with the idea in mind that I need save money everywhere possible.

So what are your biggest money saving activities/ideas?


  1. Need to go to the web site she has all kinds of frugal ideas. I will be calling you. I have a dog that is bad need of a bath and a hair cut. Jerri

  2. Thanks, I'll check that out. And I look forward to that call ;) Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  3. I just came across your blog. We do many things to save money. For us, our electric is very high, so hanging laundry out year round saves us a lot of money (even in the snow). Our dairy goats save us a lot of money on milk when we have milk too. I would say growing the garden and stocking it up helps us with our grocery bill in a large way also.

  4. Hanging laundry is an excellent idea, and I am already busy planning my garden. So excited to see things growing. Unfortunately, my town doesn't allow livestock in my area of town. I'm dying to try my own dairying, but that will have to wait until I have land of my own. So glad you came by, and hope you return.
