When I cleaned out the greenhouse, I found my pot of seed packets and inventoried what I had. By the looks of it, I'll only need to buy tomato and bell pepper seeds this year, if everything sprouts. I know it seems awful early to be planning my garden, but one can never plan too much. My favorite crops so far are my Black Beauty zuchinni and armenian cucumbers. I've yet to have a very successful tomato or bell pepper crop. Maybe this year will be the year. (Fingers crossed)
This afternoon, a friend took a drive with me to look for property. Seems that land here in central oklahoma is running about $3000-$5000/acre on average. Now I just need to decide if I want to buy a smaller piece of land and own it, or finance a larger piece of land. I'm leaning toward owning a smaller piece. The last thing I want to do is sink a bunch of money into something and be at the mercy of the bank if my grooming shop doesn't make it. (Terrible that I'm planning for possible failure when I haven't even opened shop yet. Not pessimistic, I say. Just realistic.)
This year I plan on making all of my christmas gifts (except for the kids' gifts). I'm hoping to get a start on that Monday with my first batch EVER of hot process soap.I've made cold process, but like the hot process SO much better. Funny thing, but after I used homeade soap, I can't make myself buy commercial soaps or body wash anymore. The one thing I don't think I'll ever give up is my shampoo though. But who knows. Anyone have a great shampoo recipe?.